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Asia to See Purchase of Billion inside Next Five to Six Years in Energy Sector: PM Modi

India to See Investment of Billion in Next Five to Six Years in Energy Sector: PM Modi As the world continues to grapple with climate change and its associated challenges, there is a growing need for countries to transition to cleaner and more sustainable sources of energy. India, one of the world’s largest energy consumers, has recognized this need and has set itself an ambitious target of achieving 175 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy capacity by 2022, which includes 100 GW of solar power capacity.

In a significant development, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that India is expected to witness an investment of around billion (approximately 4.8 lakh crore Indian rupees) in its energy sector over a period of five to six years. This article may explore the value with this announcement, typically the measures being obtained by the government to promote the adoption of renewable strength, plus the potential impact of these developments upon India’s economy and even society.

Energy Sector Background

India is typically the world’s third-largest energy consumer, with its energy demand growing at a charge of around five per cent per annum. The country’s energy mix is dominated by fossil fuels such as coal (around 55%), oil (around 20%), and natural gas (around 7%), with renewable sources accounting for only around 12% of the total energy consumption (as of 2020). This heavy dependence on fossil energy sources has resulted inside several challenges intended for the country’s overall economy and environment. For instance:

  1. Air pollution: The burning of fossil fuels has led to high levels of air pollution in many parts of the country, which has resulted in several health problems such as respiratory diseases and premature deaths.
  2. Climate change: The continued use of fossil fuels has contributed to global warming and climate change, which has resulted in several environmental challenges such as sea level rise, melting of glaciers in the Himalayas (which could impact the country’s water resources), and increased frequency of extreme weather events such as floods and cyclones.
  3. Economic challenges: The heavy reliance on fossil fuels has also resulted in several economic challenges such as volATility in fuel prices (which could impact the country’s trade competitiveness), high levels of subsidies (which could impact the country’s fiscal health), and dependence on imported fuels (which could impact the country’s energy security).

In light of these challenges, the Indian government has recognized the need to transition to cleaner and more sustainable sources of energy such as solar power (which is abundant in the country), wind power (which is also abundant in some parts of the country), hydro power (which is available in some parts of the country), biomass power (which is available in some parts of the country), and geothermal power (which is not yet commercially viable in the country).

Energy Sector: Announcement by Prime Minister Modi

In a significant development for the country’s energy sector and its efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainable development, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that India is expected to witness an investment of around $67 billion (approximately 4.8 lakh crore Indian rupees) in its energy sector over a period of five to six years (as reported by The Hindu). This announcement was made during the inauguration of India’s largest solar power project in the state of Karnataka (which has a capacity of 750 megawatts (MW) and is being developed by a consortium of companies led by ReNew Power). The project, which is spread over an area of around 5,000 acres, is expected to generate around 1,725 million units of electricity per annum and is expected to provide employment to around 1,500 people during the construction phase and around 100 people during the operational phase.

The announcement by Prime Minister Modi is significant for several reasons: Energy Sector

  1. It reflects the government’s commitment to promoting the adoption of renewable energy: By announcing such a large investment in the energy sector, the government is sending a clear signal to the private sector and the international community that it is committed to promoting the adoption of renewable energy and reducing the country’s dependence on fossil fuels.
  2. It reflects the government’s recognition of the potential of renewable energy: By announcing such a large investment in the energy sector, the government is recognizing the potential of renewable energy to provide cleaner and more sustainable sources of energy, reduce the country’s dependence on imported fuels, and promote economic growth and development.
  3. It reflects the government’s recognition of the challenges facing the country’s energy sector: By announcing such a large investment in the energy sector, the government is recognizing the challenges facing the country’s energy sector, such as the need to reduce the country’s carbon footprint, combat climate change, and promote sustainable development.

Measures being taken by the government to promote the adoption of renewable energy sector

The Indian government has taken several measures to promote the adoption of renewable energy, such as:

  1. Introduction of a national solar mission: The government has introduced a national solar mission, which aims to achieve a cumulative solar power capacity of 100 GW by 2022. The mission includes several components such as the setting up of solar parks, the promotion of rooftop solar power, and the development of solar power projects in remote areas.
  2. Setting up of a green energy corridor: The government has set up a green energy corridor, which aims to facilitate the transmission of renewable energy from the sites of generation to the sites of consumption. The corridor includes several components such as the setting up of transmission lines, the promotion of energy storage technologies, and the development of smart grids.
  3. Provision of financial incentives: The government has provided several financial incentives to promote the adoption of renewable energy, such as tax exemptions, subsidies, and soft loans. These incentives aim to reduce the cost of capital for renewable energy projects and make them more competitive with fossil fuel-based projects.
  4. Promotion of research and development: The government has promoted research and development in the field of renewable energy, such as the setting up of a national institute for renewable energy and the promotion of public-private partnerships in research and development. These initiatives aim to promote innovation and technology development in the field of renewable energy.

Potential impact of these developments on India’s economy and society

The investment in the energy sector and the promotion of renewable energy are expected to have several positive impacts on India’s economy and society, such as:

  1. Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions: By promoting the adoption of renewable energy, the country is expected to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, which will help to combat climate change and promote sustainable development.
  2. Promotion of economic growth and development: By promoting the adoption of renewable energy, the country is expected to promote economic growth and development, as renewable energy projects are expected to provide employment opportunities, generate tax revenues, and promote industrial development.
  3. Promotion of energy security: By promoting the adoption of renewable energy, the country is expected to promote energy security, as renewable energy projects are expected to reduce the country’s dependence on imported fuels and promote the development of domestic resources.
  4. Promotion of social welfare: By promoting the adoption of renewable energy, the country is expected to promote social welfare, as renewable energy projects are expected to provide access to electricity in remote areas, promote health and safety, and reduce the burden of energy costs on households and businesses.


In conclusion, the announcement by Prime Minister Narendra Modi that India is expected to witness an investment of around $67 billion (approximately 4.8 lakh crore Indian rupees) in its energy sector over a period of five to six years is a significant development for the country’s efforts to combat climate change, promote sustainable development, and promote economic growth and development. The measures being taken by the government to promote the adoption of renewable energy, such as the introduction of a national solar mission, the setting up of a green energy corridor, the provision of financial incentives, and the promotion of research and development, are expected to have several positive impacts on India’s economy and society, such as the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, the promotion of economic growth and development, the promotion of energy security, and the promotion of social welfare. As such, it is crucial that the government continues to promote the adoption of renewable energy and addresses the challenges facing the country’s energy sector, such as the need to reduce the cost of capital for renewable energy projects and promote the development of domestic resources. By doing so, the country can continue to promote sustainable development, reduce its carbon footprint, and promote economic growth and development.



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