Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding celebrations have been a lavish and star-studded affair, setting the stage for their upcoming wedding. The extravagant event, which took place in Jamnagar, Gujarat, India, featured a guest list that included global elites like Rihanna, Mark Zuckerberg, and Hillary Clinton. The celebrations were marked by opulence, with reports indicating a budget exceeding $152 million. Notable guests like Karlie Kloss, Ivanka Trump, Bill Gates, and legends of cricket were in attendance. The festivities included a private concert by Rihanna and a variety of themed events such as ‘An Evening in Everland’ and ‘Mela Rouge’. The dress code for the event was elaborate, with guests having access to hair stylists, makeup artists, and Indian wear designers to help them prepare each day. Anant Ambani, the son of Asia’s richest man Mukesh Ambani, and Radhika Merchant are set to tie the knot in July after these extravagant pre-wedding celebrations.
In what was, without doubt, one of the most impressive pre-wedding parties of all times, the billionaire Ambani family along with the (also billionaire) Merchant family, celebrated the betrothal of two of their young
There are pre-wedding parties – and then there is what took place in Jamangar in February. The Ambani pre-wedding celebration was surely the party to end them all; costing over $100m and seeing denizens of the global elite flying in to Jamangar from round the world. It seems certain that this one will be difficult to top.
Among the guests flitting through the huge party-scape erected by the Ambanis were the King and Queen of Bhutan, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Fink, Karlie Kloss, Ivanka Trump and Joshua Kushner. Anant Ambani is the son of Asia’s richest man, with a reported fortune of $117bn, while Radhika Merchant is also of billionaire pedigree, the daughter of the founders of healthcare titan, Encore.
Legendary supermodel, Kloss, clearly enjoyed herself posting a carousel of snaps on her Instagram with the caption ‘Cheers Anant and Radhika’. One of the pictures showed her posing in front of a huge merry-go-round themed bar, manned by an army of bartenders. The snaps presumably emerged from the first of the three nights of celebration, which was themed ‘An Evening in Everland’.
Among the other extravagances of the party were a drone show (the world’s largest ever), a private concert given by Rihanna, reportedly costing $6m and a hastily erected temporary hotel, providing luxury accommodation for the 1200 revellers. As far as sartorial displays were concerned, punters enjoyed seeing household faces, like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, don festive Indian clothing to celebrate the couple.
When it came to the soon-to-be-weds were concerned, Anant was seen in a smart black suit and white shirt – no doubt made of the finest textiles. He later ratcheted the glamour up as a donned a red sherwani embroidered in a leafy theme with embellished with crystals. Snaps of Radhika’s included a rose-gold Versace dress, a heavily embellished Manish Malhotra gold lehenga and a fringed dress by Ashish, a London-based house.
This party was one for the ages. For those lucky enough to have secured an invite, the afterglow is still strong. It remains to be seen how the Ambanis will step things up for the wedding on July 12. For those stuck on the outside, the good news is that worldnews24s has more exclusive images of the party of the century, here to feast your eyes upon.